Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Mouse, Snow & Flowers

Bruce called me to see this mouse out back on the snow. I got the bionoculars and was really looking it over and wondering why it was sunning itself outside. Then he started laughing and told me he had caught it in a trap in the garage and had thrown it out back and it fell this way.

This view shows the snow on the northside of the garage on the roof, but notice that the snow is melted on the back mountain.

During the winter our favorite thing to do is soak in bubble bath in the tub and read to each other while surrounded by orchids and flowers. Some are starting to rebloom.
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Average Snow Fall?

Christina told Jenny she thought we had a lot of snow. But I thought it was just average for us. Looking at the photos what do you think? The main difference is that for March we have several feet but we are down to pavement. That is sort of unusual. It is melting fast.



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Sunday, March 6, 2011

R.S. & Harris Wedding

Our R.S. birthday dinner was a great success. We invited past R.S. presidents and Rosaline Henneman came. She is 92 years old and sharp and spry. She is a real inspiration. I hope I'm like her when I'm that age if I ever get that old. She is on the left. Mary Nosack in the cap is on the right. Mary is going through chemo treatments for breast cancer.

Shelley & Peter and Matt & Samantha Harris. Bruce was working so I drove up alone to the Bountiful temple for the wedding and had a nice visit with his sisters at the luncheon.
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